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The Best advise for menopause and pain, Period!

Relief for Women! I don't know about you, but I want to prepare my body to avoid future discomfort that comes as our bodies changes. Doctors panels at the doTERRA Convention gave these great guidelines for Alleviating discomfort of Pre-menopause: a time of high estrogen hormone levels, Peri Menopause: ovaries starting to change. (Phytoestrogen Lifetime Complex™) and Menopause. Here is the Doctor recommended regime to be supported through the change comfortably.

#1 Take Lifelong Vitality Complex (whole food nutrition, essential oils to support all body systems and emotional support, Cellular vitality complex.

#2 Phytosetrogen Lifetime complex: Use pre-menopasal, helps with menstrual symptoms as an excellent menstrual support. Peri Menopause, use to minimize issues.

#3 Bone Nutrient Complex: Age 20-30 is the time our bones get stronger after that we can lose bone mass and bones become fragile. Through adolescence we should have 1300 mg of calcium. #4 Clary Calm: Alleviates Period problems, discomfort of female systems. It comes in a roll on bottle premixed with carrier oil.

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