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Help for Sleep Disorders Naturally

Sleep... Ahhh a time when our body has the opportunity to cease engagement and has time for restoration and repair.

During this time of conscious brain activity being fully or partially suspended, a state that contributes to restoring and maintaining emotional, mental and physical health follows. There are two states of sleep: REM and Non REM. Dreams take place during REM and it is where the deeply subconscious state contributes to much healing and repair and restoration occurs.

Non REM sleep is in three stages.

Age plays a huge factor in normal sleep patterns.

Newborns need between sixteen to eighteen hours of sleep a day, preschoolers need ten to twelve hours,

school age children and teenagers need nine or more hours.

Because the deeper sleep diminishes as an individual ages, older adults experience more difficulty getting to sleep and staying asleep. At a time when people need more reparative and restorative sleep, they actually receive less.

Some of the most common sleep disorders including insomnia, (difficulty getting to and staying asleep), sleep apnea, (where breathing may stop or be blocked for brief periods during sleep), sleep deprivation (not getting enough sleep), restless leg syndrome (an uncontrollable need to move legs at night, at times accompanied by tingling or other discomfort), Narcolepsy (a central nervous system disease that results in daytime sleepiness and other issues, including loss of muscle tone and more), and problem sleepiness (when daytime sleepiness interferes with regular responsibilities, such as working or studying).

In addition, sleeping disorders can cause a myriad of other physical and emotional disorders such as poor digestion, weight gain/obesity/grogginess, decreased focus, concentration, memory problems, irritability and frustration. Other mood challenges are heart disease, compromised immune system and others.

Children and sleep:

When children don't get the sleep they need, both physical and emotional development can be negatively affected.

Countless individuals have turned to natural remedies to promote ease in falling asleep, staying asleep,and reaching deeper levels of sleep. There are supplements and essential oils that work together to reduce symptoms of the more serious sleeping disorders and should be considered as a viable addition or alternative to sleep treatments as advised by medical professionals. The benefits of using essential oils such as lavender to promote healthy sleep are numerous and astounding, and the results can be life-altering for the chronically sleep deprived.

Find them all on our shop tabs.

Narcolepsy: A disorder distincted by extreme daytime sleepiness, cataplexy and uncontrollable sleep attacks (a sudden loss of muscle tone, usually lasting up to half an hour).

Top solutions:

DDR Prime cellular complex blend. Zendocrine Detoxification Complex

Ylang Ylang



Restless leg syndrome: A condition defined as a troublesome urge or need to move legs/arms followed by uncomfortable deep-seated feeling in the legs, that is brought on by rest.

Top Solutions:

Aroma Touch Blend

Deep Blue Rub or oil




Sleep apnea

Top solutions:

Breathe blend





Insomnia/sleep deprivation

Top solutions: Rub a drop of each on your big toe, or diffuse for great rest for anyone in the room.

Lavender: Calms, relaxes, and sedates; supports parasympathetic system.

Vetiver: Ground and promotes tranquility

Roman Chamomile: Balances hormones; sedates, calms, and relaxes.


Peace: Calming blend

Balance: Grounding blend

InTune: focus Blend

Serenity Complex

Serenity essential oil

Great new complex you can take includes top sleep oils.

dōTERRA Serenity™ Softgels Restful Complex dōTERRA Serenity Restful Complex is a unique combination of Lavender essential oil and natural plant extracts in a vegetarian softgel to help you get the refreshing sleep you need without leaving you feeling groggy and sleepy the next day.*

- Relieves occasional sleeplessness* - Promotes healthy relaxation and sleep* - Helps make a difference in the quality and the ease of going to sleep* - Encourages restful sleep*

get the wholesale membership $19.50

Retail $26.00PV 17

Aromatic: To support optimal restful sleep, inhalation and topical use of essential oils gives direct access to the brain through smell. relaxes tense muscles, and calms active minds.

Aromatic: Diffuse selected oil(s) of choice, apply a few drops to clothing, bedding, or any other methods that support inhalation. Start exposure just before bedtime.

Topical: combine oils with soothing relaxing massage techniques; apply oils on forehead, back, shoulders, under nose, and especially bottoms of feet from a pre-made or prepared roller bottle for ease. Apply it to chest to allow breathing in vapors.

buy roller bottles here:

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